Care Management Leader
Unit 6
Vulnerable Population & Indigenous Health
Senior First BC. (2019). Vulnerability. Retrieved from:
Senior First BC, is a non-profit charitable organization in BC that advocates and protects seniors' right. Within the website, it gives a very brief and concise explanation of how senior is the vulnerable group and the risk factors the contribute senior vulnerability.
United Way Lower Mainland. (2018). B.C. seniors’ poverty rate highest in Canada. Retrieved from:
The newspaper article that presents British Columbia's senior poverty statistics. Recent research had proven that British Columbia has the highest senior poverty rate in Canada.
Culo, S. (2011). Risk assessment and intervention for vulnerable older adults. BRITISH COLUMBIA MEDICAL JOURNAL, (8), 421. Retrieved from
This journal article presents the risk factors that current Canadian older adults encounter. Different ways of assessing these risks were explained and interventions were discussed.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and eGovernment of BC. (2019). Indigenous Health. Retrieved from: me. It's easy.
The government of BC website provides available health resources to BC indigenous population.
Melone. K. G. (2018). Indigenous patients still waiting for equity in health care: Canadian doctor. Retrieved from:
This article talks about an indigenous doctor that had experienced medical bias due to their indigenous status. This biased view had contributed to a lot of medical misdiagnosed health inequality.
Nelson, S. E., & Wilson, K. (2017). The mental health of Indigenous peoples in Canada: A critical review of research. Social Science & Medicine, 93. Retrieved from:
Nelson & Wilson (2017), had gathered all the journal articles from the year 2002 to 2012 and analyze the effect of colonialism towards indigenous health, especially mental health. So far, the results had proven that the current Canadian health system does not have adequate resources to support the wide variety of indigenous mental health issues.