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                Regardless of my role as a nurse or leader, I believe the most important factors for success within the health care field is caring, respect and collaboration. I meet and work with different professionals daily. Each of them comes from different backgrounds and have different life experiences. They views matter differently and have different health perspectives, therefore, each of them has different goals to achieve. For me personally, I only have one vision and that is to accomplish my patient’s health care goal and to respect my patient’s dignity.



          Acknowledging the patient’s dignity is very important. Dignity and respect are interrelated, just like cause and effect. If dignity is threatened the patient will feel disrespected. If we disrespected someone, they will feel that their dignity is endangered. When a patient enters a hospital, they usually feel hard to express their needs due to illness and other reasons. Once they lost control of their own voices and ability to make decisions, they will feel that their dignity is being threatened (Jones, 2015). Same, when the leaders only ask for staff obedience, staff will feel disrespected and won’t have a sense of purpose for work other than just earning a paycheque. To ensure that everyone feels respected and dignified, I believe a health care professional, or a leader should show care. Care can be shown in many ways but in my own opinion communication and collaboration are the key factors.



          One’s decision may sound weird or may be wrong at times. Before concluding an impression, I would always ask for reasoning to prevent misconception. Even when there’s no reasoning, I would never disregard or critic my patient’s will. Every individual has the right to live the way they want. As a health care provider, we should not be judgemental, and we should always respect and understand the patient’s decision. We should care for one another, not to dictate or to enforce what one wants from another. Caring within the health care field should acknowledge what is important for that individual. As a health care professional, I would always remind staffs to respect the patient need and not our need. As a leader, I would always listen to what the staffs want for innovation. We should always care for others but within reasonable limits that do not put stress or harm on another person.  



            To achieve care, I believe collaboration is vital. We must be open-minded and communicate in an effective and respectful manner. Health care is no longer rule by dictatorship; we work together. To my patient or staffs, I respect and honor their ideas and concepts. I try to work with them. Instead of dictating them what to do and telling them what is right, I believe everyone’s involvement is crucial to success. Working together and sharing idea can raise one another to a higher level or exceeds one’s limitation. New ideas and thoughts are usually derived from having open communication. With staffs, health care professionals, patients or families, I work with the collaboration process closely, so we would have a deeper understanding of everyone’s capability, especially the patient’s and their families’. In the end, we want to ensure that the goals of the patient can be successfully carried out. I believe, when we use collaboration, care, and respect together, a win-win situation mostly occurs.








Jones, D. A. (2015). Human Dignity in Healthcare: A Virtue Ethics Approach. New Bioethics, 21(1), 87–97.



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