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Brüssow, H. (2013). What is health? Microbial Biotechnology, 6(4), 341–348. Retrieved from:

A journal with different definitions of health based on cultural belief. Health is no longer just about disease, it is about our living status and how one manages it. Definition of health depends on how you view health. When one follows the WHO definition of health, a very small percentage is considered healthy, but a lot of individuals view themselves as healthy as they are able to manage their comorbidities. 

Sadhguru, M.K. (2015). What is Health [Video File]. Retrieved from:

Sadhguru did not define health from a scientific perspective but from a mental and emotional state. Health can be a choice; health is not just based on a disease, it also depends on how you control your inner state and how you view matters that surrounds you. If you are optimistic, staying healthy may become less complicated 

Government of Canada. (2018). Social Determinants of Health and Inequalities. Retrieved from:

This website presents the determinants of health in Canada. 


BC Nurses Union (BCNU). (2015). Social Determinants of Health. Position Statement. Retrieved from:

British Columbia Nurses Union's position statement had stated that the priority social determinants for British Columbia are low income, unaffordable housing, and childhood poverty. 

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