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MHST 601, Critical Foundations in Health Disciplines, had given me the opportunity to explore Canadian health care issues through integrating my own career into today’s Canadian health care topic. The course starts by making one self to understand their own professional importance within the Canadian health care system. The course also provides opportunity for students to have interprofessional connectedness. Through interactions with classmates from other provinces, you would learn their health issues and managements within weekly activities. Other than exploring health issues, we had also learned about using different internet tools to curate resources and build our own professional e-portfolio.

This course had gotten me engaged into learning how to build a digital presence in the worldwide web. Exploring different website building tools and resource curation tools was interesting and challenging as I had never done it before. As a Care Management leader, I had never built a professional presence online, it is rewarding to see the final draft of my e-portfolio as my computer literacy skills are quite poor.

Through working with other class mates from different provinces and health care backgrounds, had provided me with different insight into different health care issues. Being able to compare what I know about my own province to other provinces, had deepen my understanding of Canadian health care trends and how they are really affecting Canada as a whole. Using models to explore my specialty of senior care and transition care, had given me a different insight into the matter. This course had trained me to use information technology for understanding not only the health of my province but the health of the nation.

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