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Unit 4

Multiple Spheres of Health 

Community for Health Living. (2017). Ecological Model. Retrieved                                            from:

A youtube video that demonstrates how the Social Ecological Model works. It presents the importance of how the determinants of health are interrelated to each other. 

Socio-Ecological Model2.jpg

Early, J. (2016). Health is More than Healthcare: It’s Time for a Social Ecological               Approach. Journal of Nursing and Health Studies, 1, 1-2.                                             Doi:10.21767/2574-2825.100002

The author had explained how health is determined not only by disease or biology but social factors. The Social Ecological Model was introduced in the journal to investigate the causes of hospital admissions. The journal explained the importance of social determinants and how it affects health. 


World Health Organization. (2019). The Ecological Framework. Violence                                   Prevention Alliance. Retrieved                                                                                          from:

This World Health Organization website demonstrates how to apply the social ecological model into action. The social ecological model was used for violence prevention. Each level of the model was clearly explained as to how each level relates to violence. 

Boulton, E. R., Horne, M., & Todd, C. (2018). Multiple influences on participating in physical activity in older age: Developing a social ecological approach. Health Expectations, (1), 239. Doi:10.1111/hex.12608.

Boulton et al. (2018) had used the Social Ecological Model (SEM) to find out how human behaviour can be influenced by their surrounding dynamics. Through understanding their behaviours, they will then understand why seniors refuse to perform physical activity. Through the SEM assessment, the government has to make access for seniors as convenient as possible and as enjoyable as possible to encourage senior participagtion of physical activity. 

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