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Unit 7

Future Direction


Canadian Nurses Association. (2011). Review of the 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care. Retrieved from:

The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) had drawn a ten-year plan of what to focus on to strengthen the Canada health care system. CNA had suggest fundings to invest in: elder care, mental care, electronic health, health promotion, primary care, and health professional staffing needs. 


Riddell, C. (2019). The Future of Canada's Healthcare System. Retrieved from:

This article describes how information technology contributes to the Canada health care system. With a comprehensive computer system, health care cost and wait times can dramatically decrease. For the Canadian health care system to move forward, an effective electronic health record system is required and that is what the Canadian government should fund for the convenience of future of Canadian health. 


BC Care Providers Association. (2017). Strengthening Senior Care: A Made-in-BC Roadmap. Retrieved from:

This report illustrates the British Columbia (BC) government's plan towards senior support for the future. The BC government will focus the fundings towards staff recruitment, renovate or build new facilities, increase therapies and support services, and increase in subsidized benefits. It draws a five year plan of how to achieve the mentioned plans. 

Edeleanu, M. V. (2018). Improving Long Term Care in Canada. Scientific Annals of the “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi. Sociology & Social Work / Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii “Al. I. Cuza” Iasi Sociologie Si Asistenta Sociala, 11(1), 31–41. Retrieved from

This peer review article presents the current resource availability for seniors within Canada, with a focus on long term cares.  The article had discussed the existing support barriers for seniors within Canada. To fulfill a healthy living for senior within Canada, the government will need to increase senior income, increase accessibility to specialty primary care and increase long-term care funding. 

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