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Unit 5

Chronic Diseases Prevention and Managment 


This journal measures the effectiveness of incentive programs towards British Columbia's common chronic diseases: COPD, Hypertension, and diabetes. Incentive programs had been widely implemented in BC with great success. The Canadian government had tried to use the same method to reduce common chronic disease cause by giving incentives to primary care providers for treating chronic disease and unfortunately, the results are not as good as it is expected. 

​Lavergne, M. R., Law, M. R., Peterson, S., Garrison, S., Hurley, J., Cheng, L., & McGrail, K. (2018). Effect of incentive payments on chronic disease management and health services use in British Columbia, Canada: Interrupted time series analysis. Health Policy, 122(2), 157–164. Retrieved from:

This article is the BC guideline that explains the management of COPD. It gives a thorough definition of  COPD and explains many of the lifestyle and medication management techniques. Detail description of the medication list and coping methods were presented.  

BC Ministry of Health. (2017). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Diagnosis and Management. Retrieved from:

INSPIRED is an outreach respiratory program focusing on COPD which had started its implementation western Canada with great success. INSPIRED stands for Implementing a Novel and Supportive Program of Individualized care for patients and families living with Respiratory Disease and the program is in the process introducing itself to nationwide. This program improves the hospital to home transition process by providing support to COPD patients. The INSPIRED outreach program had been proven to be effective in decreasing COPD hospital readmissions by teaching symptom management.  

Canadian Foundation For Health Care Improvement. (2019). INSPIRED Approaches to COPD: Improving Care and Creating Value. INSPIRED COPD Spread Collaborative. Retrieved from:

Above website, is from the Government of Canada. According to the Government of Canada (2018), they have been using the CCDSS (Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System) to keep track of chronic disease nationwide. The system is connected to physician billing, prescription drugs and hospital discharge records to identify the prevalent diseases.  

This journal had presented the burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease within Vancouver, British Columbia hospitals. The research had done a comprehensive management plan for patients post-discharge hospital and it had shown great effect. The hospital readmission rate had vastly declined after the implementation of the plan. 

Alshabanat A, Otterstatter MC, Sin DD, Road J, Rempel C, Burns J, … FitzGerald JM. (2017). Impact of a COPD Comprehensive Case Management Program on Hospital Length of Stay and Readmission Rates. International Journal of COPD, 961. Retrieved from: 
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